Flyaway Homes – LA Times

Flyaway Homes

1. The Client

Flyaway Homes developed a scalable, replicable, fundable, and cost-effective model for building permanent supportive housing (PSH) in a third of the time and for a third of the cost per person of the traditional development model.

The FlyawayHomes model ensures that they can build PSH projects quickly and cost-effectively, providing housing for the homeless in Los Angeles, as a start for them to rebuild their lives.

2. The Pitch

This company has introduced modular housing as a way to reduce the time and expense of traditional construction. Their dignified shelters present a significant solution to remedy homelessness.

3. The Story

The unique housing solution has become a visually fascinating story that journalists have been eager to share.

4. The Results

Awareness has increased financial support in terms of grants and donations from wealthy individuals.